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Retrieve the details of a process instance

GET /process-instances/:key

Retrieve the details of a process instance. Note that this data may lag behind the actual process instance's status, but is eventually consistent.

Path Parameters
  • key int64 required

    Key (unique identifier) of the process instance


The details of the process instance.

  • data object

    A process instance

  • processDefinitionKey int64

    Key of the process which this instance belongs to

  • bpmnProcessId string

    BPMN process id of the process which this instance belongs to

  • version integer

    Version of the process which this instance belongs to

  • processInstanceKey int64

    Unique key of the process instance on the partition

  • parentInstanceKey int64

    Unique key of the process instance which this instance is a part of (e.g. called from call activity), or null if it has no parent instance

  • status string

    Possible values: [activated, has_incident, completed, terminated]

    The status of the process instance

  • startedAt string

    Timestamp when the process instance was started, in ISO 8601 representation

  • endedAt string

    Timestamp when the process instance was ended, in ISO 8601 representation, or null if it has yet ended

  • error string